Friday, February 20, 2009

Saltare 2009

Saltare 2009 has come and gone. Attendance was not as high as we would have liked this year, and I suppose there are many reasons, the current economic situation not least among them. I'd like to thank all of the instructors, students, and dancers who incurred the expense and endured the drive to attend.

Before I go on to a tiny bit of business, I have a little video of Petit Riens being danced at this year's Saltare event.

I am entertaining proposals for a summer dance symposium (a pity party for those of us who can't make it to Knowne World Dance, perhaps). I would also like to hear from some potential autocrats who would like to host the event next year.

-- Runolfr (

1 comment:

  1. This year's Saltare was a WONDERFUL event; I had a BLAST! Thank you, m'lord, for a great time.
